Wheel of Time Trailer Reaction + Shadow and Bone Episode 1 Review

Good afternoon or evening or night or morning or whatever. I’m Elijah, welcome to my blog. We’re gonna start with my Wheel of Time trailer reactiony thing.


Spoiler Free (this will spoiler some names but nothing major)

I love love loved this trailer, it was just awesome. If you haven’t seen it you can find it here. I absolutely recommend watching it. There was definitely some excited screaming. I am just allowing myself to be fully hyped for this show. The trailer starts with Nynaeve pushing Egwene off a cliff. So funny, I just – hilarious. I loved that moment. Can’t wait to see it in context. The casting looks pretty solid so far. I’m in love with the casting for Mat and Moraine, but have yet to be completely sold on Rand and Perrin. Everything else just looks good and will live or die on the performances. The music was pretty generic, kinda cool, it did its job and I know it won’t be the final music in the show. The Trolloc and Myrdraal designs are suitably horrifying, so I’m sold on that. All the sets look cool, my favourite would probably be the look of Shadar Logoth. That’s pretty much all I have to say here so onto spoiler section. This will be book 1 spoilers.


First I wanna talk about that quick shot with Perrin and the wolf. I didn’t see it the first time, but when I did it was so awesome. After book four Perrin is my favourite character. I also really like how they seem to obscuring that Rand is the Dragon, if they stick with that it’ll be a really cool twist. I loved when Moraine started saying the book intro stuff, soooooo cool. It’s just all really cool. I don’t have a huge amount of thoughts it just really cool. Oh! I wanna talk about the Aes Sedai stuff, some people have said they aren’t a fan of the colourful robes, but I’m all for it. I also think the magic looks cool, but I don’t know how I feel about it all looking pretty grey. And that’s it. As I said, I don’t have much to say. There are more substantive reviews elsewhere.

SHADOW AND BONE EPISODE ONE – no spoilers for the show but for Shadow and Bone the book and Six of Crows

I had a lot of fun with this episode. I liked how they gave show Alina some really clear choices and characterization. The magic element was cool, but not amazing, I’ve always found the Shadow and Bone magic system a little weak. My favourite elements of this episode was the stuff that went down in Ketterdam, and just visually before they enter it the Fold was flipping awesome. This show has the netflix vibe, but I like how they kinda lean into it, this isn’t a show I’m gonna get super invested in, but it’s just really fun to watch.

I hope you enjoyed reading these two short reviews. This time I have one recommendation, my friend made a blog and it’s seriously great. I would encourage you to check it out here: https://anadventurewithben.blogspot.com/

Thanks for tuning in, see you ’round.

Published by samwisegamgeeappreciationclub

I like movies, books, music, Samwise Gamgee, and God. I write about random stuff.

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